Is age really but a number?

So, the time has come again where I attended and event… however, this time I was invited as someones guest.

It seems as though this is the only date I've experienced in a while!

It seems as though this is the only date I’ve experienced in a while!

Not just anyone’s guest, but I went with cousin.

Yup, I was playing the date of a relative! And this event was in Toronto. Alright, not Toronto – Innisfil, Ontario but still that is no reason to pretend we are in Arkansas.

Anyhow, the event I attended was a wedding and I am sure glad I did attend as it was such a beautiful party. The dress code was “cottage casual” and the ceremony lasted approximately 6 minutes at the stroke of 9:00 PM.

The issue I am currently facing while attending events as a single lady is not being alone, but figuring out the deal with all these men around me. At this particular event there was a very handsome gentleman. He was the son of the host (the wedding took place at the cottage of the groom’s dear friend). There was no formal DJ, however the host’s son assumed said role. He had a coiffed beard (usually something I do not like), a parted hair-do a la Mad Men, (again something I do not typically like, YUCK. GEL!!!!) but a flair for good music.

I couldn’t help myself from glancing over and shaking my booty a little more… not that I am such a great dancer!

My issue now is that I simply cannot tell how old these guys are. I was not at all concerned with the fact that I was there as someone’s date, because let’s be honest, I am directly related to him. I looked at this guy thinking he must be maybe 27, maybe 28. However, once in the car on the was back to Toronto proper, I asked my cousins (I was elected DD for the night) how old they thought he was. They simply said, he is as old as Goldie. She’s 21.

HOLD THE PHONE!  You are how old?

HOLD THE PHONE! You are how old?


These guys look my age and then boom, they are not! It’s a tough game to play. It’s not that I am against younger guys, but I am against them being barely legal in Las Vegas. I will not let this get me down, just another challenge I have been facing.

Next time I will be taking a different route and revealing a new nail technique I have tried out. Until then, keep fit and have fun.

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