16 Oct Alternative to menstrual care
My name is Stephanie Mitelman, and I am a certified sexuality educator. In this blog I will be addressing readers’ questions on sexuality, health, and relationships. Please don’t be shy to send me a question you have! I will be happy to answer one every month!
My daughter is 16 years old. She does not like disposable menstrual care products. What are the alternatives?
As a sexuality educator I have many opportunities to teach and hear about all aspects of puberty, sexuality and menstrual health. One thing I have learned over the years is that I always need to be aware of the concerns youth have concerning puberty, and for the young women I speak to, the menstrual cycle. Many young girls and women are not comfortable with disposable pads and tampons, but are unaware that anything else exists.
Unfortunately, sustainable menstrual care and discussion of The DivaCup and cloth pads are often not included in conversation. There are several products worth discussing that offer effective menstrual care, are easy to use, and are a good fit for our eco-friendly next generation.
The Diva Cup is a small insertable cup made of silicone designed to catch rather than absorb menstrual flow, offers 12 hours of leak proof protection, and is reusable. The cup is easy to insert and is designed to be worn lower down in the vaginal canal. Best of all, there are no plastics, no chemicals, and no dangers of toxic shock syndrome.
One of the great things about The DivaCup is that it’s for every woman, every lifestyle. Whether you are a professional, student, athlete or stay at home mom, the product works wonderfully and is great for overnight as well. It also allows its’ user to see and monitor menstrual flow rather than it being absorbed into a tampon. Monitoring our blood flow can give us information about our cycles and menstrual health.
Similarly, Luna Pads and Luna Panties are another alternative to traditional disposable pads and tampons. They too offer solutions that are not disposable, which are good for the environment. They also help women feel more connected to their menstrual flow and female functions.
I believe that with our new generation of women, we need to break the cycle of shame around our bodies and menstruation. Most of us have grown up in a menstrual negative culture and have feelings of discomfort around menstrual blood. As women, we need to begin connecting the dots about positive menstrual outlooks and positive body images. As women, we need to re-educate ourselves that menstruation is a natural part of our function, and one of the magical parts of our abilities to create and sustain life. With this perspective in mind, we can inform our youth of alternative methods to learn about, and care for our menstrual needs.
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