While dating should generally be a positive and exciting part of life, it also has it’s ups and downs. A rut, bad date or a small heart break can be a blow to the ego and leave one feeling down and in the dumps. Having a strategy in place to get through the less enjoyable parts of dating life is something every wise woman should be on top of. Here are a few tips:
Mind over matter
Don’t let yourself fall into the “I need to be in a relationship” mindset, not even for a day! The only thing you need is a good friend or better yet, your own “snap-out-of-it” routine when you find yourself falling into such a funk. You will be amazed at how a simple flip of the switch can have you humming tunes in no time.
Maintain your standards
If you feel like you’re in a rut, dating just anyone isn’t the solution. In fact, you might actually feel worse after being out with someone who is totally not right for you. Maintaining your standards is key. After all, you set them for a reason.
Change your dating pattern
If you find you’ve fallen into a dating routine that isn’t working for you, don’t be afraid to make a change. For example, if your last few relationships started online, give real-life singles events a try. Or if you find you often date within the same career space, opt for a date with someone who works in an entirely different field.
Stop the pressure!
Putting too much pressure on each and every date is a sure fire way to wind up on a dating downer. While it’s fine to be hopeful, remind yourself that it’s ok if your next date doesn’t turn out to be “the one”.
Have a life
The best things happen when you least expect it. If you are on a mission to be in a relationship, don’t let it consume you. Make time for your friends, focus on career advancement and stay on track with your health and fitness.
Photo credits: www.diabetesmine.com, www.featurepics.com
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