20 Sep There is beauty everywhere
Everyone seems to struggle a bit during this time of the year. I am not sure if it’s the summer ending, school starting, the weather getting colder or the days being shorter but without a doubt I feel a bit melancholy.
So what do we do to fight the end of summer blues? What we need is to look at our lives with a different focus (if you can handle the photography pun), and that is also the secret to a good picture.
There is beauty everywhere, and you do not need to be a professional photographer to see it. You don’t need the perfect moment, a model, a special event or the Grand Canyon to take a breathtaking image.
So here is the secret good photographers already know… If you want to learn to take better images the first step is to shoot more, shoot everyday, shoot anything that comes in front of you.
How? Take a deep breath and just look around you with a different perspective. There is a great shot in the simplest moments, beauty in the abstract.
Here is my first “Anywhere Moment”
My son was little, and as you know, when they are little they want to find independence wherever they can. He refused to let me help him pour the cereal or milk: “I Do It! I DOOOO IT!” After realizing that my day would not be ruined by a little spilled milk (great lesson in itself). I let him. AND THEN… I looked at that moment, knowing I wanted to remember it, knowing it maybe once in a lifetime. I shot it! Good images should tell the story of our lives!
Here are a few more images, and although they are not award winning images. They all represent my son during his second year in all his toddler glory. Different angles, different emotions… memories that will last a lifetime.
I am hoping to pass along the basics for taking a technically sound picture, but more importantly I would like to share my passion for creating real moments.
So I hope you will join me in seeing the beauty everywhere.
Posted at 20:16h, 20 SeptemberTracy, I too felt melancholy around this time of year for the longest time. I finally realized that this time of year brought back memories of being pregnant. In both cases (one son born in April and one daughter born in June – 13 months apart) these were the first months of each pregnancy. While my kids are now 31 and 30 years old – I started feeling less melancholy around this time of year only last year… just kidding…. it’s been a while but now it’s nostalgia rather then melancholy! 🙂
Wise Women Montreal
Posted at 14:18h, 23 SeptemberGlad to hear the melancholy turns to nostalgia! Thanks for reading!