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“Me get this feeling when a box of cookies are on the shelf, Me want to grab it, want to eat it, can’t control myself.” Please watch this video before reading:   [youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9PnbKL3wuH4?rel=0&w=560&h=315]   Sesame Street’s Cookie Monster has always been somewhat of an impulsive character, having an insatiable...

Mother's Day has always been something that I have felt proud and privileged to be a part of.  In May 2001, I was 6 months pregnant with my my oldest child and I remember a friend of mine giving me a Mother's Day card designed specifically for a "mother-to-be."  I was so excited for the new adventure in mothering that was about to unfold.
At that time, I was married. I expected that my "mommy experience" was going to follow the intact family path - one with a mommy and a daddy living under the same roof and raising their children as a unit.

When you think about of being fit what do you think of?
I know many people have the misconception that being skinny equals being fit.  That is definitely untrue.  I have trained many many unfit thin clients. I can also say that I've had clients who were fit but possibly had a slightly higher BMI than is recommended.   The thin clients often tell me that it's actually frustrating for them that everybody just assumes they are fit and question why on earth they'd be seeing a personal trainer; they are thin therefore they must be fit.

There are so many quotes about patience and waiting…..   good-things-comes-to-those-who-wait“Good Things Come To Those Who Wait” happens to be a favorite of mine.  Perhaps this  is because I spend so very much of my time waiting for people and things.  I like to believe that I am a very patient person.
My children may choose to argue that I am not always patient, but that is the result of a being a mom, a single mom, who asks her kids to do things repeatedly until the initial patience gets lost.
For the most part, I have a great deal of patience.  Sure, I get impatient waiting in long lines at the grocery store or sitting in traffic when the radio is playing lousy music, but  that’s normal, right?

unnamed-4Today is Brandon’s 38th birthday. That is, it would have been Brandon’s 38th birthday…had he not gotten Leukemia…had he not died four years ago at age 34. I miss my love every single day. But it is on these anniversaries that his absence is that much more pronounced – the birthdays, the holidays and our family’s significant moments.

Sweet tables are always a huge hit at any event. A great party element for any age, these tables are always a crowd favourite, especially for guests with a sweet tooth! If you’re incorporating a dessert table at your next shindig, check out the following tips...

In my 11 years of selling real estate, 2013 was the year where I witnessed the highest percentage of sellers that were selling for the purpose of leaving the province of Quebec.
quebec-elections-2014-april-7Clients of all ages, ethnicities, and classes were leaving. Professionals,  retirees, newlyweds, people from all walks of life were "fed up" and "getting out of here". Taxes, the cold, property values and politics were all a harsh reality, so the ROI was just not worth it anymore. According to the Montreal Gazette, a total of 28,439 people moved from the province of Quebec to another province from January to September 2013.  This was the highest number of departures since the year 2000.

I recently met with a client who went through an absolute nightmare with her contractor ... he didn't install anything correctly, he installed items after she expressly told him not to, and generally destroyed her condo.  She was supposed to move in a year ago, and she is at this point starting over.

I was always intrigued by Helen Keller's life and so I was definitely curious when I found out from this novel that she actually did have a love interest.
Unfortunately for her, it really did not last long and she ended up alone with no children.  To be fair, the book is fictionalized but if there is any truth as to why she never got together with her temporary secretary (Peter Fagen), this story certainly may have an answer.

Daycare….. On the one hand, it’s a wonderful place for my son to interact with his peers, do all kinds of funsick_3 activities and learn new skills.  But on the other hand, daycare is also an environment infested with NASTY, DIRTY, toddler germs. After a few months of being in the daycare scene, I finally came to the realization that there is just no way of getting around the fact that if your kid is in daycare and exposed to other children, he is going to get sick….ALOT!

social media workshop flyerOften at my parenting workshops I will ask for a show of hands from parents who feel their kids' technical skills online have outpaced their own. I'm no longer shocked by the number of hands that go up. With them come guilty confessions from parents who need their six-year-old to turn on the Apple TV, their eight-year-olds to figure out why the printer isn't working, or the ten-year-olds who help them download and set up apps on their smartphones.

f22c8ab57c82e8d2d04e84df9b08b912Looking for your perfect home is always a challenge, however finding one with special requirements that is specific to a particular need is another...
I’m starting to see a more popular buying trend with people not only looking for homes that are great family homes for their kids, but that also offer adequate backyards, running space and amenities that can also cater to our other beloved children… our doggies!
I joke around that I sniff out the best real estate deals in and around the Island of Montreal that is best suited for our four legged babies because of this new buying trend.

[caption id="attachment_9386" align="alignleft" width="275"]The encapsulation style sports bra. The encapsulation style sports bra.[/caption]
Anyone who knows me knows how much I dislike going to the dentist. Well, going shopping for bras, especially sports bras, is a not so distant second.
Usually after spending a few hours and a lot of money on one or two bras that I think are going to be the bra of all sports bras, I am always disappointed. Bouncing up and down in the dressing room for 4 seconds is just never a good enough test (I know you’ve done this too) as actually running, stepping or skipping.  Somehow from the store to home my boobs seem to have either grown or shrunk and I am no longer staying in the cup!!!

In a time when diversity is flourishing all around us, especially in a place like Montreal, it deeply saddens me to hear stories such as the one my hairdresser shared with me this week.
You see, he is gay and ‘somewhat flamboyant’ (his words, not mine), and each time that he shops at his local mall, people give him negative looks and make comments about how he is dressed or the clothes that he is buying. He said that over time he has become resilient and always smiles politely, trying not to let people’s judgments of him get under his skin.  As I profusely apologized to him on behalf of the human race, I began to think about what my students go through on a regular basis because they themselves are different, having difficulties with attention, hyperactivity, daydreaming, learning disabilities, different interests, or inappropriate social skills.

Take a look what 30 days can do… [caption id="attachment_7945" align="alignright" width="300"] Great results and she didn't lose one pound. Gained muscle.[/caption] We all get into a rut. It happens to the best of us, even someone like me whose profession is all about staying F-I-T. Try as...

No loving mother would want to see her children in a difficult situation or having a condition that was detrimental to their quality of life.
Olivia is faced with grief every day from her autistic boy's death and wonders what his purpose in life was if he spent it on earth with a disability - only to pass away at an early age.
She wants to know why he existed at all, since he caused so much pain in her heart and tore apart her marriage with her now ex-husband, David.  The answers do not come quick enough (despite trying to consult the town priest), but they do come eventually.