02 May Building a World Free of Sexual Violence: The Marie-Vincent Foundation
Marie-Vincent Foundation wants to build a world free of sexual violence. To achieve this ambitious goal, we work on several fronts: prevention, specialized treatment, research and training.
Preventing sexual violence
The Marie-Vincent Foundation, is committed to playing a role in preventing sexual violence by targeting children, adolescents, parents, professionals and the general public.
In the past years, the Foundation kicked off two major prevention projects. The first focuses on education about healthy sexuality and egalitarian relationships for young children aged from birth to five. Funded by Avenir d’enfants, this project believes in the importance of starting sexuality education early in children’s lives. It aims to determine the most promising preventive practices to protect our youngest children, particularly by developing educational material and strategies tailored to their developmental stage.
The second project aims to raise awareness among high school youth, school principals, teachers, professionals and parents about the issue of online sexual violence. In collaboration with adolescents from schools, the Foundation is building promising prevention strategies.
Supporting children and adolescents’ victims of sexual violence
Marie-Vincent Foundation’s help children and adolescents who are victims of sexual violence to surmount this ordeal by providing specialized treatment. All services – police, medical, psychosocial and sociolegal – are provided in one place.
The treatment provided at Marie-Vincent Foundation is based on best practices and is recognized for its high effectiveness. After treatment, studies have shown that children exhibit, better self-esteem; fewer symptoms of depression and post-traumatic stress and fewer feelings of guilt.
Supporting parents
Parents or significant adults who accompany a child or adolescent victim of sexual violence can be supported throughout the process, from disclosure to the end of treatment. The disclosure of a sexual assault is an event that affects the whole family, and that can lead to serious psychological distress. The parents may also need support in order to better accompany their child through therapy. Parents’ presence and protection are essential for the child.
Supporting a Chair
Marie-Vincent Foundation’s constantly strive for best practices by supporting an interuniversity Research Chair and by remaining up to date on the latest developments in society.
Statistics on sexual violence
The Dine in Event: Marie-Vincent’s new original fundraising event!
All of the benefits of the benefit, without ever leaving your house!
Donors for this event will receive a box delivered directly to their home, on May 23rd, containing a delicious meal from two of Montreal’s top chefs, Derek Dammann and David McMillan. The box will also contain an excellent bottle of wine, beautiful wine glasses, a gorgeous candle, desserts, a charming salt cellar and discounts/day passes to some of Montreal’s top spas.
Donations go directly to fund the Marie-Vincent Foundation.
Dine in Date: May, 23rd 2018
*The boxes should be ordered before May 9th.
To order, visit the Dine in website.
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