Let’s be honest, the first few months of mommy-hood are ROUGH!!!
The sleepless nights….the physical and emotional fatigue….the zombie-like state of functioning….the unkempt hair….the Lululemon uniform…    Although this period seems like forever ago, for the past 3 months, I have been experiencing a similar but milder form of sleep deprivation c/o my wonderful son who seems to think he no longer needs an afternoon nap and that 4:30 AM  is a suitable time to start his day.

  [caption id="attachment_2952" align="alignleft" width="150"]Photo by: Vicky Doodles Photo by: Vicky Doodles[/caption] As you may already know, November is also fondly known as Movember; the month of awareness for prostate cancer. Although this topic may appear to be of interest to men only, I can assure you that as a nurse and woman having seen men very close to me (my dad at age 65 and life partner at age 52) diagnosed and treated for this disease, I find the subject just as important to women who have men they care for in their life.

This is Elly.
She's my amazing mother-in-law, my children's super-star grandmother, and a GREAT dresser. You may have seen her around here before. I had to feature her here in Style 101 because she's great at adapting the latest fashion trends in a way that is age-appropriate. When I told Elly the theme of this week's post was leopard and stripes, she jumped all over it.

bread glutenWhere to start in regards to month two of my self-imposed challenge – with the bad news, the good news, or the better news? The good news is I’m still coffee free and I’m feeling great about it. The better news is I’ve decided to recommit to another month (at least) of being gluten free. The bad news is that I was not as successful as I aimed to be with being gluten free the month of August. Of 31 days in the month, I had gluten about ten times. Given the numbers, some would say I did pretty well, and as much as I aim for 100%, the few times I slipped the underlying factors were because I was simply unprepared and I needed compassion. Sound like excuses? I agree, so please read on.

When my husband and I entered into this crazy world of parenthood together, I had no doubt in my mind that he was going to be an excellent father.  I vividly remember him changing my son’s first diaper as I helplessly recuperated from my C-section and anxiously watched over his shoulder.  He was calm and gentle and he handled my son’s little bum with such ease and confidence. 

porn is not real sex ed picture

  My name is Stephanie Mitelman, and I am a certified sexuality educator. In this blog I will be addressing readers’ questions on sexuality, health, and relationships. Please don’t be shy to send me a question you have! I will be happy to answer one every month!   Porn Is Not Real Sex Ed My daughter is 12. There is a lot of discussion about pornography on the Internet now. What should I be concerned about and how do I handle this?


For those of you who don’t know... I was an interior designer in another life!

Nothing makes me a happier then home decorating projects. I LOVE everything about them.....the contractors, the paint fumes, the trips to Home Depot and even the mess. I love the rush of running through Homesense or Ikea with a full basket and the exhilaration of receiving my online purchases at my front door from Restoration Hardware.  And the most fulfilling aspect  of  designing my OWN  space is that I can take RISKS with colours, textures, and design! I love to make changes in my home and every project I've conquered so far has been exciting.

Last week, I talked about a great white t-shirt being a true wardrobe essential, but I neglected to mention WHY this very basic item is so important. Here's the thing - a white tee can really serve as the foundation for a great outfit...with a pair of jeans and a great necklace, under a blazer, tucked into a skirt, knotted at the waist - the options are virtually limitless.

It always sort of bothers me when a magazine tells you what every woman should have in her closet.  How can a lawyer, a teacher and a personal trainer all be expected to need the same wardrobe staples? I mean, sometimes I fantasize about dressing in tailored suits like Kerry Washington from Scandal, but sadly, my lifestyle just doesn't involve extricating the president from crisis situations.

My name is Stephanie Mitelman, and I am a certified sexuality educator. In this blog I will be addressing readers’ questions on sexuality, health, and relationships. Please don’t be shy to send me a question you have! I will be happy to answer one every month!  My daughter is 16 years old. She does not like disposable menstrual care products. What are the alternatives? As a sexuality educator I have many opportunities to teach and hear about all aspects of puberty, sexuality and menstrual health. One thing I have learned over the years is that I always need to be aware of the concerns youth have concerning puberty, and for the young women I speak to, the menstrual cycle. Many young girls and women are not comfortable with disposable pads and tampons, but are unaware that anything else exists.

post it note3 Insecurity at work is a career killer.  That said, we all experience it at one time or another.  That moment when you start a new job…or have a big presentation to make…or realize you are in over your head with that high profile project…your self-esteem plummets and you start to question yourself…“Can I really pull this off?”

While driving my car the other day, it struck me how very frequently I am driving from one place to another.  You see, a very big role that I play in my life is that of  TAXI DRIVER.  I spend hours each day in my “mom taxi” shuttling my daughters to and from their respective activities and friend’s houses.

Let’s start the conversation …

 No one knows worry more than a mother who is concerned about her child’s development.  It’s even worse if you don’t know where to turn for guidance.  When it comes to concerns regarding our children's development, all too often we're placated with answers such as "all kids develop differently" or "it’s fine, just wait and see".  Moreover, well-intentioned advice from family members and friends, who tip-toe around the issue, can compound the worry or add to the feeling of being judged as a parent.