Connecting mind and body

Learn how to appreciate yourself and your body through the practice of Mindfulness Yoga. Come and step on your mat and experience a movement practice that unites body and mind.

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You’ll be introduced to mindfulness yoga, which will allow you to learn how to appreciate yourself and your body’s capacity to move.

Session #1: Breath-awareness; noticing without judgment; practice intention setting.

Session #2:
Awareness of sensations, thoughts and feelings in the body; seeing things for what they are thoughts as thoughts, feelings as feelings, sensations as sensations; thoughts are not truths, they are stories we tell ourselves – getting to know your stories.

Session #3: Noticing how you react when difficult sensations, thoughts, or feelings come up; learning to focus attention (zooming in and zooming out); practice letting go; develop compassion and kindness towards your experiences.

Session #4: Decreasing resistance to difficult feelings, sensations, and thoughts; learning to be comfortable with the uncomfortable through using skills of non-judgment, attention, and self-compassion.

Session #5: Gratitude and appreciation; learning to appreciate what the body can do; making amends with your body.

Session #6: Sharing gratitude and appreciation with others; having fun with your body; learning about body language; how to stay present without judgment going forward.

Location and Time: Connecte Montreal Psychology Group 1218 Greene Ave., # 302, Westmount, Qc, H3Z 2A3

To register please click here.

Yoga Teacher: Nicole Jones Nicole is a true proponent of yoga practice, teaching and continuous learning. Originally sought to bring balance and peace into her life 8 years ago, she found solace in the yoga community and a sense of belonging. Nicole has over 750 hours of training in various yoga styles, receiving her Yoga Fit level one training in 2011, Moksha training in 2012 and Moksha Flow training 2013. She has had the opportunity to study with great mentors, including Frank Jude Boccio, author of the book “Mindfulness yoga” and Mira Shani, international yoga teacher and philosopher. She currently teaches at Moksha yoga West Island and is a yoga ambassador for lululemon. Nicole also has a degree from McGill University in physical education and health. She is a full time physical education teacher at Dawson College, specializing in fitness and yoga. Nicole has a passion for health and wellness and this is apparent in all aspects of her life. She lives by the saying, in life we cannot control what happens but we can control how we react to whatever comes up.

Psychologist: Dr. Jodie Richardson Jodie is a clinical psychologist. She completed her undergraduate & graduate studies in psychology at McGill University and carried out her PhD research at the Eating Disorders Program of the Douglas Mental Health University Institute. Throughout her various clinical trainings she acquired skills working with clients with eating disorders, anxiety disorders, depression, chronic illness and cultivated an expertise in the psychology of overeating, binge eating and obesity. Jodie’s favorite topics include the mind-body connection, health psychology and human motivation. She is passionate about developing programs that enhance both mental and physical well being and capitalize on the interactive benefits of the two.

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