Are You Up to Date…

Combating infectious disease is no easy feat in today’s worldly world! We are all vulnerable, some more than others…

Let me explain…

When we were young, our Mom, Dad and the pediatrician ensured we were immunized on a regular basis. Once we became adults, well… we had to take care of ourselves. The issue here is that everybody else needs looking after. We tend to lose ourselves in so many other obligations, and immunizations are not likely one of our priorities.


Adults need to be vaccinated against several infections that take millions of lives every year in North America.


So my quest is to inform you of what is available for us neglected adults, and take charge of what is important…Our health…Without it, what do we have…mahealthyagingcollabortaive-org_081214_featuredImage_vaccines

Adult vaccination programs are not officially sponsored by any specific group. The Canadian government has some public vaccines available – meaning they are FREE. I want to give you the information so that you may make an informed decision. Prevention is key here and as I have said in the past…Who has time to be unwell… it takes time away and may be costly in one way or another.

Did you know that some illnesses have been eradicated because of vaccination! Yes, it is true!


At a glance, this is a list of vaccines that are recommended on the national Advisory Committee on Immunization for an adult depending on the risk:


Hepatitis A

Hepatitis B

Inflenzua (Flu)




Varicella/Chicken pocks

HPV (Human Papillo Virus)

Herpes Zoster/ Shingles


While most vaccines are covered by the government, some are not. The above vaccines are part of our regular childhood vaccine schedule, but boosters are required.

Any healthcare worker and anyone working with the public should always be up to date.



This in turn helps the general population stay healthy.

Resurgence in certain illnesses comes back due to a lack in vaccinations around the world.

Vaccinations can stave off terrible consequences, even death. Do you think for one second the countries afflicted with Ebola at this moment wouldn’t want a vaccine to prevent the thousands of deaths? I know it is a drastic comment, but let’s really think about that one…

Many of us have a challenged immune system, due to age, family history, and present state of health. Your health care provider is the best one to help keep you on track. Talk to us about those concerns, we are here to listen. Then we– you can make an informed decision.

I realize this blog is not sexy, exciting, nor is it funny…These are just the facts Mam’…Just the facts…

Stay well!


Diane Tanguay RN


References: – Immunization for Adults

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