My Mother’s Day Self Reflection.

Since I was young, I fantasized about what it would mean to be a mom. Not just any mom, but an amazing mom. This dream was always so important to me and despite any detours my life has taken over the years- being a great mom was always at the top of my bucket list

I remember  the exact moment we decided to start trying to get pregnant. It was such an exciting time.

Unfortunately we hit some unexpected roadblocks and  in 1999, we were diagnosed with fertility issues.  I’d often day dreamed of the family I hoped I would have and I was devastated.  I tried to remain optimistic through out our infertility journey despite the emotional roller coaster and physical strain.

After two rounds of  I.V.F. I was pregnant!

 The day I became a mom was the happiest day of my life.

On a hot sunny day in August 2001, my first born entered the world. I was in awe.  It was then that I learned what it truly means to love another human being unconditionally. My other two children followed in 2003 and 2005- lucky for them I was already knee deep in motherhood- a veteran!

It’s hard for me to put into words how much I love my three kids and how motherhood has helped me evolve from the little girl who use to play house with her dolls. I love motherhood. There is nothing more endearing than the sound of my kids’ laughter, watching them hang out together, their bedtime kisses or the words “I love you” as they leave for school.  These are the precious moments of motherhood that I mark daily and the things I will forever savour. 

My children have taught me how to love and how to be loved.

But I also learned from the challenging times because as any mother would attest, being a mom is hard work and filled with ups and downs. Trust me, some days I struggle with my role as mom. I’ve had my share of  family challenges. It’s just that I try to look at the glass half full….most of the time.

Motherhood forced me to be selfless and sometimes forget about my own needs. It’s truly the ability to wear different hats constantly and learn the balancing act of life without much opportunity for failure.  It’s consuming and sometimes emotionally draining. 

Our kids depend on us, look at us for guidance, seek out our support and protection constantly.  So at time being a mom is exhausting, frustrating and sometimes overwhelming.

But like anything else in life- we make mistakes, learn from them and move on. We shouldn’t be so hard on ourselves. Vulnerabilities, mistakes and even failures are healthy and an important part of  motherhood. We are not meant to be perfect.

I have always used Mother’s day as a time of self reflection, a day of evolution and personal growth. It reminds me of who I once was and encourages me to find the balance and strength to continue down the journey of motherhood with grace, love, patience and a smile. 

Do I sometimes find it challenging or exhausting to be a  mom? Do I sometimes make mistakes? The answer is of course!

However, I wouldn’t trade motherhood for anything else in the world. Mothering my three kids is my passion and the most important role I will ever play. As I watch my kids evolve and grow into these remarkable human beings,  I’m reassured that that all my hard-work, role modelling, deep discussions, ups, downs, mistakes and sacrifices are paying off. 

So, to my three beautiful children- thank you for giving me the honour of celebrating Mother’s Day! xo

Mother’s Day 2017 will be a difficult one for many families in our community who have been devastated by the Montreal flooding. A group of wonderful and dedicated volunteers have organized a beautiful Mother’s Day event for flood victims.  Click through this link and please share widely!


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