A calendar that will change your life. Really.

As a mother of three children, I would dread the daunting task of filling in the family calendar month after month. I would start with my daughter writing week after week: Olivia: Ballet 4pm. My hand would start to cramp some time around November and I thought to myself, there had to be a better, faster way to organize our schedule!

unnamed-1Out of the corner of my eye I saw my children’s arts and crafts box. I took out the necessities and came up with my first prototype of day ja view. I chose the name because of the recurring activities: Ballet or soccer happens at the same time, week after week. Here you are again – at the soccer field – a deja vu! Or, day ja view.

After producing the initial prototype and taking the organizer to market, day ja view was featured on CTV and was a 2011 PTPA winner. (Parent Tested Parent Approved) I was thrilled, but I wanted to take day ja view to the next level, so I approached The Time of Day Calendar Inc. A well-established appointment calendar now in its 40th year of production. Together we adapted the day ja view to what it looks like today with a new look, easy to use stickers and removable plastic overlay.

I know you must be thinking, why a wall calendar when we have our cell unnamed-3phones?

As attached as we are to our smartphone and its productivity, day ja view is for the whole family. Parents, grandparents, care givers and of course the children have access to the family schedule at a glance in what will become the ‘command central’ of any home. Children are also given the opportunity to take ownership of their schedules in a user friendly format for any age with visually identifiable stickers.

So what makes day ja view so special? For one, we know the true year for the family starts in August, not January to coincide with the school year. Our unique design eliminates the need to write repeat activities using our non-adhesive removable stickers and plastic overlay, which is transferrable month to month. With an emergency contact sheet in the back of the calendar with room to write doctor’s information, school and teacher key contact information, and car pool contacts, the day ja view is a one stop shop to organize a family’s life.

-Sharon Neiss

unnamedSharon was born and raised in Montreal and moved to Toronto with her husband Gordie Arbess in 1996 where she honed her copywriting skills in the advertising industry. After giving birth to their three children and managing the family schedule, one more ‘baby’ was born from the Neiss-Arbess Household – day ja view. In 2013, day ja view joined The Time of Day Calendar Inc where they worked together to what day ja view looks like today. When Sharon isn’t working, she loves to spend time with her friends and family, work out at the gym and watch Netflix with her kids – shows that are somewhat appropriate, of course.

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