Putting Yourself Out There and Taking a Risk

if-you-dont-try-youll-ever-know-quote-1I recently went through two situations where I was required to put myself out there and hope for the best. In both cases, I had to trust that others would make the right decisions based on the information that I had provided.

Now please understand that giving up control and trusting others to make the right decisions about things that are very important to me is not something that I am comfortable with.

After all, I regularly teach my students NOT to wait for things to happen to them, but rather to TAKE CONTROL and be responsible for the outcome of their own destiny.

Children are faced with a variety of risks that they can either choose to take, or not take, each day. Here are some typical questions that they may ask themselves:  If I actually take the time to finish all my homework will I get a good grade?

  • If I raise my hand to answer a question in class, what if it’s wrong?

  • If I am my silly self, will the other kids like me still?

  • If I ask a question about what I don’t understand will people think I’m stupid?

  • If I tell people about my idea will they take it seriously?

In the two situations that I had to face, I did not end up with exactly what I wanted, but I did become wiser. Here are some lessons that I will be sharing with the students with whom I work in the future:

Even if you think you did everything right you can still make mistakes.

The key point to remember is that mistakes can always be fixed. What you can’t do is go back in time if you don’t take the risk in the first place.

Just because you think you deserve something doesn’t mean you will automatically get it. I value hard work but sometimes results are not reflective of the effort we put in. We need to make sure that no matter what happens, we are proud of ourselves and of what we did. Always be open to improvement and change, and never stop trying. 

No matter what happens, the true test is to be able to pick yourself back up, embrace who you are, and move forward anyways. There is no better feeling than looking disappointment straight in the face and saying, “I won’t let you get to me. I am strong and I am confident. I will succeed no matter what!”

Until next time, happy reading! 


1 Comment
  • Kharoll-Ann Souffrant
    Posted at 10:23h, 25 July Reply

    Very interesting article! I couldn’t agree more. I talked briefly about the importance of taking risks in my two first blog posts (which are the only blog posts I have so far on my blog hehe). But keep up the good work !

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