My very own renovation: Part II

A LOT has happened since my last post! It is going to be hard to figure out where to start, but here it goes!



Ripping up a layer of cement from the entry way

We officially have our home and renovations have begun!

During the past month I had been working on my floor plans, layouts, and demolition choices in order to make it possible to start renovations the day that we received the house.

We made sure to use the time to get everything organized and ordered; the kitchen order has been placed and is in the process of being built, the wood flooring and tiles are ordered and ready for pickup, and all of the paint colors have been chosen.

I strongly advise all my clients NOT to wait for the date of possession to make all their design decisions as valuable renovation time would then be lost. Ideally you want everything ready to go once demo is under way.

We are now three days into our ownership and we have pretty much finished demolition!



… after the wall has been taken down …


… In the process of the wall being taken down …

The house already looks extremely different, and we are excited to see it all coming together!

All that being said, being a designer does not make me immune to finding little “surprises” when walls are opened up.


We have been pretty lucky so far, in that we haven’t found anything too crazy! However there have been a few hiccups that require some re-arranging.  The main thing to do when you come across these inevitable surprises is to stay calm!  There is always going to be a solution to the problem, it is just a matter of figuring out what that solution may be.  Your designer or contractor will usually be able to help you out, so take a deep breath and try not to worry!



Doorways being widened to allow more light through the space.

In the coming weeks we hope to get the majority of our work accomplished, and seeing as everything is lined up and ready to go, I don’t think that we will have too many issues with the timeline.

That’s it for now, and I will have more to show you in the next post … wish me luck!


Photos Provided By: Interiors Designed by Naomi Weissmann




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