28 Aug And POOF! He’s gone.

While dating should generally be a positive and exciting part of life, it also has it’s ups and downs. A rut, bad date or a small heart break can be a blow to the ego and leave one feeling down and in the dumps. Having...
Whether you’re a seasoned dating veteran or just recently back on the scene, first dates can be nerve wracking— especially if a spark has ignited between the two of you already. What makes things more confusing is that everyone in your life has something to say...
My name is Stephanie Mitelman, and I am a certified sexuality educator. In this blog I will be addressing readers’ questions on sexuality, health, and relationships. Please don’t be shy to send me a question you have! I will be happy to answer one every...
If you’re looking to meet someone, you should be putting yourself out there and dating all kinds. It’s fun and can be very rewarding! But there is a fine line between going about it the right way and the wrong way and by no means...
Contributing factors include, but are certainly not limited to, the following: