Now that we are in the month of May and I look back on what a whacky time April was for me, it is almost hard to believe so much can transpire in 30 days. My wedding anniversary is March 29, ok that is the end of March and not April but stick with me here. Tuesday March 29th was not only my wedding anniversary but also the day of my annual mammogram this year. I get annual mammograms because there is a strong family history of breast cancer and after 40 it is recommended. Although I am only 41 this was in fact my 5th mammogram as I had a baseline at 36 (after my first child was born) and they found there was a lesion in my left breast that needed to be monitored but I was assured it was nothing of consequence. I am a woman of action and pro-activity so being a mother of 2 children, I found it prudent to be on top of my health which includes mammograms.