16 May The truth about online dating
So, for the past several months I have been using an online dating service called Plenty of Fish
(POF), yes cute title I know but a little deceiving.
On eHarmony they tell you they use some sort of algorithm to find your soul mate. On match.com they have testimonies of people saying how successful they were at finding their one true love. On POF, well, let’s just say some of the, how could we say this nicely, “important criteria” is distance
from the person in kilometres, and do you have pets.
Anyway, it’s FREE.
I am certain that is why I have been contacted by the types of people I have been contacted by.
The creativity in some of their initial messages is astounding. I mean, you can’t fault someone for trying but I do think the message that takes the cake is the one sent to me by a guy saying the following – please note it is copied word for word with the exact punctuation and grammar.
“Hey I’ve always wanted to please a teacher I know im younger and all and if you’re not up for it it’s totally ok hahaha but if you want someone to have fun with fool around in bed in the meantime that you find someone id love to have fun with you;)”
Talk about a run on sentence. WOAH!
Could it be that he was so eager to message me that he forgot the conventions of English?
No, it must be that he’s 21 years old and hash’t spent enough time being yelled at in RED PEN by a T.A. at McGill telling you, “this sentence is too long, it’s a run on sentence. You need to shorten it and get to your point quicker…”
Yes, I said 21…
But then another guy messages me and he seems to good to be true. We have been talking for a week now and my question for him right now is, can we meet? He says we will soon. Well, what I say to myself and to my girlfriends who listen to me whenever I need them is, “$%!t or get off the pot”.
I’m still waiting.
So, the truth about online dating is this in my opinion; there are a lot of people out there, you could say “plenty of fish in the sea”
but there is something to be said about meeting a guy in person, hearing his voice, seeing if he understands my sarcasm (which as we know does not transfer well in any form of typed message).
Practicing the virtue of patience is very challenging at this time. I’ll let you know when something happens. Until then, keep fit and have fun!
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