The Wardrobe of a Personal Trainer

There are several reasons why I love being a personal trainer:

#1- I am able to earn my living doing what I love

#2- I get to help others reach their goals and live healthy lifestyles

#3- I am active all day while working

#4- I get to work with great people everyday

While reasons #1-4 are all admirable, my 5th reason is admittedly superficial, so please don’t judge too harshly!

#5- I get to wear yoga pants, hoodies and sneakers everyday!

Yes, #5 makes me very happy! I am not, nor have I ever been, much of a girly girl or a fashionista.  When I need to dress up, skirts and heels are always a last resort.  I am most comfortable in my sweats, tees, tanks and running shoes.  When I have a bad hair day, there are no worries; I pop on a baseball cap and I am good to go. Ten years ago I traded in a lifestyle that included dry-cleaning bills and the like for one that offered pure comfort. No regrets here.

This is me most days of the week. Possibly a different variation of hoodie and shoes but something along these lines...

This is me most days of the week. Possibly a different variation of hoodie and shoes but something along these lines…

I do however, need variety in my wardrobe as I like to change it up.

I have a very large collection / obsession with running shoes; different brands, colors and styles.  And of course I need tank tops to coordinate with most of my shoes.  With the influx of flashy, bright colours this past year, I have been able to pack quite the punch to my safe and primarily monotone wardrobe. I wear a long-sleeved tee topped off with a hoodie during the cooler months.  As for my bottom half, I usually just wear black. On my more adventurous days, I wear grey.

My collection of kicks!!

My collection of kicks!!

While I am grateful for stores such as Lululemon (not so grateful for their price tags, however) for making it ok to wear yoga pants most days of the week, I do not love the fact that if I am in a room with 20 other casually-dressed women, at least half of them are sporting the same black pants as me. So, I have been spreading my wings a bit and trying out new brands and styles.

I have had a few good finds:

I purchased two pairs of pants similar to Lululemon’s Studio Pants at of all unlikely places, JC Penny. The brand is called Xersion and they were a quarter of the price of my Lulus and are quite fantastic.  They fit and wash well and many people have mistakenly complimented me on my “Studio Pants”.  My runner-up to the “Groove Pant” is Costco’s Tuff Athletics brand.  I’ve had a few pairs for at least seven years and they are still in great shape – they are actually in better shape than some Lululemon pants I have owned within the same time frame. I’m still on the hunt for a new style of pants, something a little more original.  I would love to hear your suggestion. As you can tell from this pile of black pants I desperately need it!

Over twenty pairs of basically the same pant!!!!

Over twenty pairs of basically the same pant!!!!


So putting how my work out clothes look aside, in future blogs I will discuss how well certain brands of shoes,tops and sports bras hold up in performance so stay tuned!!!!

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