17 Jul What the future holds
Someone once told me that you really only notice how quickly time passes once you have children. Today, on the day that my first born is graduating high school, I can tell you that no truer words have ever been spoken. Didn’t I just give birth to her? My serious, blonde, blue-eyed baby who made you work for a smile? Wasn’t it just a few days ago that I was holding her hand in the kindergarten school yard while she cried and pleaded to stay with me? Those early days were so long, but the years were short, and as she walks across the stage today to collect her diploma, I’ll be beaming with pride. My shy baby girl has blossomed into a beautiful, confident young woman and it is a privilege to be her mom. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for her, because I know it will be spectacular!
Lisa Brookman, MSW, PSW
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