Who needs a camera when you have an iPhone?

So I have started working full time for one of my commercial clients.  A real 9 to 5 job.  I have been self-employed since I began working, making my own schedule, working at my own pace….So NOW I get it!

I am going to be frank. I don’t know if I envied or felt sad for women who ‘were doing it all’.  And now that I have joined the ranks of the true working mom… I get it!

Who has time for anything more than basic necessities?!?  I get up, put myself together while simultaneously getting the dog out so she doesn’t pee in the house again, make breakfast and lunches, make sure my daughter has her soccer uniform and all her work, make sure agendas are checked and tests are signed, hot lunches, Scholastic or Menchies is ordered…  And then somehow I am suppose to take a real moment picture too!!!

As Chase Jarvis has said (and I completely agree), the best camera is the one you have with you. For most of use that means our smart phones.  I am a proud iPhoneographer.

I have taken some of my favorite images EVER with my iPhone:

IMG_3661 IMG_3719IMG_6306  IMG_1349 IMG_0711

Since smartphone cameras are constantly getting better, and new photo apps coming out daily (although who knows which ones to choose?!? blog to come), taking iPhone photos has become easier.

Maybe since my last blog you have started to see and explore light, or different angles.

The basic iPhone camera is pretty simplistic.  You have a decent built in flash which can be on/off or left in automatic mode.  Unless desperate, I recommend we leave it off for now.  If you are unsure of exposure (there may be both dark and light areas in your composition), try your HDR mode.  HDR (high dynamic range) takes three pictures in a rapid succession with different exposures. It then combines the three for the best exposed picture.

The most important feature is the ability to choose your focus point and  AE/AF lock.  You can tap anywhere on the screen to focus (a yellow square comes up if you have updated to iSO7 – blue if you have not). This not only focuses on that, but also adjusts the exposure and white balance automatically for the main area of your image.

photo-4 photo-2 photo-1


There is also a digital zoom (in new iOS you need to pinch the screen — the older version is a slide bar at bottom). Remember that it is digital, rather than optical zoom, meaning you’ll be sacrificing image quality. It’s best, if possible, to just move closer.

There are a lot of apps to explore, and obviously I am in Instagram lover.  But there are so many others to talk about.

I am curious about you.  What do you want to learn??

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