18 Nov Why I hate the word “multitasking”
Ever heard that expression….want to get something done, ask the busiest person in the room? It’s true. And I hate it.
I am that person.
I am asked for everything. And I say “yes”…not because I can’t say “no”, but because I generally feel honoured to be asked. It’s nice to feel needed…but a terribly fine line between contributing effectively and actually getting everything done!
My mind is constantly racing.
One thing gets done…and twelve others things are in the queue…it can drive you crazy!! A major challenge most of us women face in a day. And seemingly unique to women. Men simply do not multi-task. They do one thing at a time. Really? Who has the time?
She’s the people-pleaser.
What many people-pleasers don’t realize is that people-pleasing can have serious risks.
Not only does it put a lot of pressure and stress on you but you can make yourself sick from doing too much. If you’re overcommitted, you probably get less sleep and get more anxious and upset, because you’re on such overload because you possibly can’t do it all. I suffer from this. Too often.
Those closest to me often remind me that I have a choice, and I need to set my priorities.
But how do you tell someone that they are not a “priority” when they call and ask for help? I haven’t figured out a way yet (happy to take suggestions!)
Instead, I try to set limits on myself and allowances for not answering the phone every time it rangs, or leaving emails to be answered until the next day. Or (gasp!), telling my boss that my workload is out of control!
I am working on stopping the cycle of excuses.
Stopping the apologies. Not being afraid of the fallout. I have caught myself saying a few times in the last couple of weeks, “I don’t think I am the right person for this job”.
I am learning to accept that I can’t be everything to everyone. Or perhaps more importantly, that I do not want to be.
One of my favourite quotes: “Multi-tasking is the ability to screw everything up simultaneously.”
Posted at 19:21h, 19 NovemberI understand completely!