I’d be lying if I said that I was at the point in my life where I fully and completely embrace my body.  I totally get that it must be freeing to unconditionally accept yourself, I’m just not quite there yet.    But I can say that I’ve come a very long way.  My teenage years were a period of self-loathing, constantly feeling inadequate in comparison to others. I oozed insecurity.

My harsh inner-critic was so loud, so cruel, so self-deprecating…..it was deafening.  It has taken some growing up and some major work on my self-esteem to get to a place where I can genuinely say that I am enough.

[caption id="attachment_21506" align="alignleft" width="116"]Grade 6 graduation Grade 6 graduation[/caption] I have a beautiful, intelligent, caring, sensitive, perceptive 13 year old daughter. She just finished her first year of high school and thriving.  She loves acting, singing and playing waterpolo.  As her mom I have taught her a lot over the last thirteen years; how to cross the street,  how to ride her bike, how to tie her shoes, table manners, conversation skills...the list goes on and as she continues to grow as she still has a lot to learn.